Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2016 Presidential Candidates: Republicans, Part 2

Rick Perry
Rick Perry is presently the governor of Texas. Much of the below is about his record in that position, as well as statements he made during is 2012 Presidential campaign. As a point of interest, the majority of his state does not support him running for President.
  • Is presently facing charges for abusing power
  • Is owned by AT&T
    • Much like our local rep Marsha Blackburn
  • Collected $90,000 a year in retirement benefits while still working
    • So we should cut government spending everywhere except on Rick Perry
  • Rejected free federal money to expand Texas' Medicaid program, meaning over 300,000 Texans (including 40,000 veterans) have been without insurance so Perry could make a political point
  • Passed a bill requiring women to have ultrasounds before having an abortion
    • And then passed another one effectively shutting down almost every abortion clinic in Texas
    • Regardless of your moral position on abortion (which I hold to be tragic and in many cases a moral wrong), I don't hold that it's therefore morally correct to torment women who choose to have one; nor do I hold it to be correct for Perry to pass laws that are unconstitutional. If his religious beliefs contradict the laws of the United States, he should resign, not violate his oath.
  • Gutted funding for child services when 24% of children in his state live in poverty
    • So make sure they're born, but after that? Screw 'em. They should get a job. A little consistency, please?
  • Tried to keep a bill making homosexuality a crime on the books
    • Again, it is in no way the job of a Christian to punish other people for not following our specific religious beliefs. Getting away from that crap is entirely why the original colonists came here in the first place! But Perry apparently thinks that is his job as a Christian, even if it contradicts his oath of office and the teachings of Christ. 
    • ...because Satan
  • Opposed the federal government bailout of state governments, then claimed credit for using that money to balance the Texas budget one year
    • To counter the deficit he created, I might add, with the typical cut-taxes-to-increase-revenue lies that do not work
    • More than doubled the debt owed by the state of Texas
      • Why do we think he would do better as President? Not really clear
  • Wants to send troops back to Iraq even though Iraq as a sovereign nation kicked us out; new decade, new invasion of Iraq!
  • Dramatically cut funding to Texas firefighters, then asked for federal funds when wildfires broke out and his people couldn't handle it
  • Dramatically cut funding to schools, resulting in (gasp) a failing educational system
  • Has overseen huge numbers of executions, including one confirmed wrongful one, which he's specifically said doesn't bother him at all
  • Blatantly lied about the number of homicides committed by illegal immigrants
    • And about terrorists captured trying to cross the Mexican border
  • Censored an environmental report he didn't like
  • Supports decriminalization of marijuana
Marco Rubio

Donald Trump

Bobby Jindal
Chris Christie
Scott Walker
  • Cut taxes, sending Wisconsin into tremendous deficits
  • Said dealing with massive protests against him prepares him to deal with ISIS
  • Spent much of his political career lengthening prison sentences
    • Then advocating for more private prisons to deal with the resulting overcrowding
    • While taking huge contributions from the private prison industry
  • Wants to functionally eliminate unions nationwide
  • Wants to implement drug testing for food stamps and other programs
  • Passed a law making it unconstitutionally difficult to obtain an abortion in Wisconsin
  • Would attempt to unilaterally cancel the new nuclear non-proliferation deal with Iran
  • Opposes increasing the minimum wage on false premises

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